So with a bit of cloud dodging I’ve managed to get the new camera out on both my ES ED80APO and my Skywatcher 200PDS with mixed results.
Firstly I thought I’d have a go at some narrowband imaging of the Soul Nebula but it turns out that I’ve been ‘getting away’ with not having a field flattener in my optical train for this. My previous cameras have all had fairly small sensors but the ASI1600MM is big so it’s picking up all the weirdness around the edges. So, I’m now waiting for an Explore Scientific ZERO Field Flattener.
I’ve had slightly better luck with my 200PDS. Took it out last night in fairly ablism seeing and near full moon but managed to get a reasonable set of data for M81/M82. RGB, around 2hours per channel.
OK, still some way to go but at least I have a picture that actually looks like something 🙂